
The Zeitgeist: I Know You Think You Know It All, Dial-Up Modem  Noise

The Zeitgeist is a new weekly column bringing you the best in bite-sized viral culture.


I Know You Think You Know It All

The book I Know You Think You Know It All, by artist Charles Black, is filled to the brim with the kind of indispensable advice for the modern world you really shouldn’t leave your home without. Selections include social media etiquette (Never ask someone to follow you on social media) as well as couple advice (If you’re in couples therapy and you’re not married, break up now) that everyone will relate to, dished out in a no-nonsense, typography-friendly approach.

For more, check out the website.


People Making Dial-Up Noises

Back in the 1990s (we’re all still 19, really), connecting to the Internet was a more arduous affair than the current sub-second browser fire-up. Before Google there was MSN Chat. Before MSN Chat, there was ICQ. Before ICQ, there was AOL Dial-Up Internet.

While nobody is mourning the loss of wired 56K connections in favor of broadband speeds, the beloved piercing stream of noise that accompanied every connection attempt not only gave those late night browsing sessions in your room no discretion at all, it also still reminds us of that time when the iPhone did not yet control our lives.

For that reason, the tumblr peoplemakingdialupnoise is our first Tumblr of the Week. It fondly remembers those days by showcasing posts of people who mimic the sound of a modem as it is connecting to the Internet.

Check out some select posts below and head to the Tumblr for more.